How to Register the Databases You Need to Protect
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The cloud synchronization feature enables you to synchronize databases from multiple cloud platforms at once or manually register them. This tutorial provides instructions for syncing AWS resources to register them in QueryPie and for manually registering on-premises databases.
Syncing and Managing Databases via AWS Integration
Precondition: Specific policies are required for database synchronization
- RDS : AmazonRDSReadOnlyAccess
- DynamoDB : AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
- Redshift : AmazonRedshiftReadOnlyAccess
- Athena : AmazonAthenaFullAccess, AmazonS3DFullAccess
- Redis : AmazonElastiCacheFullAccess
STEP 1 Navigate to the Cloud Provider menu and click Create Provider
. Enter the following details:
- Name: A unique name to identify the provider.
- Cloud Provider: Select "Amazon Web Services."
- Region: Specify the region of the resources to synchronize.
- Credential: Choose one of the following options:
- Default Credential: Assign a policy to the IAM role of the EC2 instance where QueryPie is installed to synchronize resources within the same AWS account.
- Cross Account Role: Create an IAM role to synchronize resources from another AWS account.
- Access Key: Enter the AWS account's access key to synchronize resources.
- Database Type Filter: Specify the resource types to synchronize.
- Replication Frequency: Choose the synchronization method:
- Manual: Synchronize resources only when initiated manually.
- Scheduling: Set up periodic synchronization using cron expressions.
STEP 2 Select the provider created in the Cloud Provider menu.
STEP 3 Click the Synchronize
button to sync AWS resources.
STEP 4 Review the synchronized resources in the DB Connections menu.
Manually Registering Databases
STEP 1 Go to the DB Connection menu and click Create Connection
STEP 2 Select the data source type and enter the resource information:
- Allowed Zone: Specify the network range allowed to access the database connection.
- You can select a registered range from General > Allowed Zones. By default, all ranges are permitted.
- Connection Name: Provide a unique name for the connection.
- Host: Enter the database host (supports both domain and IP).
- Port: Specify the database port.
- Database Name: Set the default database to connect to during the connection.
- Secret Store: Select where the authentication information will be stored:
- QueryPie: Save credentials within QueryPie.
- Vault: If integrated with Vault, the registered Vault name will be displayed.
STEP 3 Enter the Username and Password, then click Test Connection
to verify the connection details.
STEP 4 Click Next
to save the connection and confirm its creation in the DB Connection menu list.